Project Overview


Bunge Ltd; Grains Research and Development Corporation

Primary Research Advisor:

Kent Stone

Project Duration:

Three years (2019-2022)

Project Host(s):
  • Simon Zacher – Muradup   
  • Kent Stone


  • The  Red  Wheat  Trials  are  being  conducted  in  the  western  high  rainfall zone  (HRZ),  with  an outcome  to  demonstrate  agronomic  practices  that  will reduce  the  gap  between  current and  potential  yield  of red  wheat varieties.  

  • The objective  of  this  project is  to  demonstrate  available  agronomic  information,  raise awareness  of red  wheat  varieties  for  the  western  high  rainfall zone  (HRZ)  and  to determine  yield  potential  and  economic  returns  of  red  wheat  varieties  in  the  western HRZ  farming  system. The trials  will  be  run  over  a  three  year  period,  with  associated  extension  activities.  By 2022,  growers  will  have  the  knowledge  and  confidence  to  use  high  yielding red  wheat  to address  the  gap  between  potential  and  realised  yield  to  increase  the  value  of  the  wheat cropping  phase. 


The  Red  Wheat  Trials  are  being  conducted  in  the  western  high  rainfall zone  (HRZ),  with  an outcome  to  demonstrate  agronomic  practices  that  will reduce  the  gap  between  current and  potential  yield  of red  wheat varieties.  The project  aims  to  increase grower  knowledge and  awareness  of  red  wheat  and  to  determine  if red  wheat  has  a fit  in  the  medium  to high  rainfall areas  of southern  WA  through farmer  scale  trial  demonstrations  and extension  activities. This  grower-scale  demonstration  compares  local district  practice  with  a set  of  system modifications.  In  year  one,  the  project  looks  at the  comparative yields  of two  red  wheat varieties;  Zanzibar and  Accroc  (system  modification)  compared  to  Maximus  barley  and  a spring  wheat  variety;  Scepter (local district  practice). 

Results Published in the Southern Dirt Research Annual.