Membership to the organisation is for farmers in the Kojonup region and surrounds. By becoming a member of Southern Dirt, you will have access to a range of research activities and community support initiatives relevant to your region. You will also have the chance to participate in groundbreaking trials and research, and be notified of and receive assistance with funding opportunities, value adding, processing and business development.
Available for all small to medium scale producers
- Free or discounted entry to Southern Dirt field days and workshops for all employees of your business.
- Quarterly electronic newsletters
- Email updates (including all of the relevant workshops being held in the Southern Dirt region).
- Assistance from the Southern Dirt Project Officer with funding applications and enquiries.
- The opportunity to participate in trials and the latest research, including hosting on-farm trials
- Early Bird opportunities to participate in various Southern Dirt initiatives
- Member only events
Commercial Membership is available to companies and organisations associated with marketing commercial goods and services and large scale producers
- Quarterly electronic newsletters
- Email updates (including all of the relevant workshops being held in the Southern Dirt region).
- Discounted attendance for 2 representatives at Southern Dirt events and workshops.
- Opportunity to be involved in joint projects.
- Member only Events
Associate Membership is $550 and available to the following:
Not-for-profit groups
- Non-commercial research organisations
- Universities
As an Associate Member of Southern Dirt, your group or organisation will receive:
- Email updates (including all of the relevant workshops being held in the Southern Dirt region).
- Opportunity to be involved in joint projects and share resources as appropriate
To sign up for any of the above memberships types head to the button adjacent. If you have any further questions, please reach out using the form below.
Want to get in touch?
129 Albany Highway
Kojonup Western Australia 6395
Call Us
0455 581 729
Email Us