Project Overview



Project Duration:

One year (2019)

Project Host(s):
  • Rachael and Andrew Plowman – Kojonup
  • Tim Harrington – Darkan
  • Peter Cummings – Wagin

Project Aim

The aim of the Small Plot Flax Trials is to establish the best agronomic practice for the establishment of flax crops in the Great Southern Region of WA. Three small plot trials have been established in 2019 using two commercially available flax varieties. The trial compares three times of sowing, three seeding rates and three N rates.

Preliminary Findings:

The three trial sites are located on different soil types and climactic zones providing valuable information regarding the potential for flax to be a profitable break crop to expand existing crop rotations. All sites had good germination and are growing well. The trial results will be extended after harvest through media updates and the annual trials booklet. A Flax Field Day will be held in October.